Joana Moreira

Joana Moreira

Executive director, Transformers; Ashoka fellow

- Human Being since 1990, Transformer since 2012

- TOP 100 Women in Social Enterprise by the European Commission

- Co-Founder and Manager of MAD Panda

- Co-Founder and Executive Director of Reformers

- Trainer at IES - Social Business School

- Mentor of Bora Mulheres

- TEDxSpeaker

- IRIS Specialist - Regional Incubator for Social Innovation

- 17 years' experience in volunteering and associations

- Clinical and Health Psychologist from FPCEUP, PG in Marketing Management from IPAM, attending the MBA at Católica Porto Business School

- She loves animals, reading, cooking and, if she could, she'd spend her life on the beach!

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