Terms and conditions of use

Please read this information carefully for an informed consent to the "Terms and Conditions of Use" of the De-fora-a-fora website.

De-fora-a-fora is an information and event promotion service owned by De-fora-a-fora, Lda, NIPC 517604191, registered under the same number at the Commercial Registry Office of Porto.

De-fora-a-fora, Lda is responsible for the website www.deforafora.com and undertakes to guarantee the privacy of the personal data collected and/or transmitted.

In case of doubts or for any questions you wish to ask, you can contact us by e-mail contacte@deforafora.com.

These 'Terms and Conditions of Use' govern the use of the De-fora-fora website.

The user-author, with access credentials to the article editor, registered by him/her, has the right to access the text editor and submit articles for consideration and review by the editorial team, which in turn reserves the right to edit the text by submitting it to the author for consideration (a process that may take more than one iteration) or to reject the text.


The user-author is responsible for the use of his/her registration and the confidentiality of his/her password. Therefore, giving away or allowing (even inadvertently) the use of your login details by others does not relieve you of your responsibility. If you think that someone may be gaining access by fraudulently using your account or login, please contact us immediately via the channels indicated at the beginning.

By registering, the user-author agrees that:

- you will not do anything that may harm the De-fora-fora, Lda website, namely access an unauthorised area/account and its information;

- you will immediately contact De-fora-a-fora, Lda. if you become aware of any unauthorised use of your login details;

- will not assess and test the vulnerability of the system and break the installed security;

- will not send unsolicited emails that include promotions or advertising for products or other services.


De-fora-a-fora, Lda reserves the right to interrupt or suspend user-authors' access to its De-fora-a-fora website for misuse of editing space with content that does not correspond to the thematic scope of the website.

The interruption or suspension of access may occur, for the period it determines necessary, for any technical, administrative, force majeure or other reasons that may arise and are not directly contemplated herein.

Without prejudice to the user-author, De-fora-fora, Lda cannot be held responsible for any suspension or interruption of access that may occur as a result of something that is not attributable to it or that is attributable to mere negligence.


The De-fora-fora website may contain advertising and sponsorship. De-fora-a-fora, Lda, emphasises that advertisers and sponsors are responsible for ensuring that material received for inclusion on the De-fora-a-fora website complies with applicable laws, codes and regulations. We exclude any liability for any error or inaccuracy that advertising or sponsorship material may contain. The relationship of the registered user/unregistered user with third parties through the services of our De-fora-fora website and any terms, conditions and warranties with respect to such third parties, including sponsors or advertisers, are the sole responsibility of the registered user/unregistered user and such third parties. De-fora-a-fora, Lda, is not responsible for the above relationships.


Except when authorised by you, your data is protected and will be used for the management of the De-fora-a-fora website, as well as, eventually, for the presentation of other proposals.

As defined by law, we guarantee the possibility of accessing, rectifying or modifying your data by contacting us using the methods indicated at the beginning. For more information, please check the Privacy Policy.


We use cookies for your convenience. For more information, please refer to the Privacy Policy.


For clarification of any question related to these Terms and Conditions of Use of the De-fora-a-fora website, the registered user / non-registered user should contact De-fora-a-fora, Lda by e-mail contacte@deforafora.com.