Ana Carvalho

Ana Carvalho

Entrepreneur and Community Interventionist

Ana has a degree in Education, specialising in Adult Education and Community Intervention from the University of Minho and a postgraduate degree in Quality Management of Social Responses from the University of Porto - Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. With a Specialisation in Sustainable Development and Local Agenda 21 from the Catholic University and Executive Training in the Management of Social Organisations from AESE Business School, Ana is passionate about strategic alliances and how they can combine to create better "Civic Ecosystems".

Over the last 20 years she has worked with various teams in areas related to education, employment, training management, the environment and sustainability. At LIPOR she found a home and a school, and since then (2007) the idea that everyone can and must do their part in favour of a new and desired common future has become even clearer!

Since 2014 at ENGENHO - Associação de Desenvolvimento Local do Vale do Este, she has been developing and coordinating projects in different areas that are based on the integrated development of the Territory, as well as the professional qualification of people in situations of social vulnerability.

Mum to Bernardo and Constança, she wants to inspire and contribute to a genuinely better world. Volunteering is something that runs through her veins and along with the various causes and projects she is involved in, she has also worn the Volunteer Management shirt since 2015 at the Refood VN Famalicão Centre, in the Volunteers and Community Support portfolios and has held executive positions since 2019 at IPSS LIPAC - Liga de Profilaxia e de ajuda comunitária,

She believes that it's time to (re)organise and (re)connect people and resources, values and senses of belonging and to boldly involve and (co)relate territories, institutions and people who are committed to the "whole".

She loves photography and her motto is "Make it Happen!"