Jorge Mayer

Jorge Mayer

Engineer linked to the Social Economy, responsible for EDP Produção's community relations team

An environmental engineer from the Portuguese Catholic University, he has a master's degree in Social Economy from the same university on the global value that corporate volunteering generates, having helped several companies in Spain and Portugal on this subject. He has worked at EDP since 2001 and spent 15 months as the field manager in a UNHCR refugee camp in Kakuma (Kenya) during 2010, with the aim of testing environmental and renewable energy solutions in the context of refugee camps. He worked at the EDP Foundation between 2011 and 2016, was the founder and manager of the EDP group's Volunteering Program, and is now responsible for the community relations team at EDP Produção.

He was born in Porto in 1977, is married, has 2 children, is Catholic and involved in social causes. He has been involved in the area of social action volunteering for 22 years, was at the foundation of the FASRondas group in Porto, where he was in the general coordination of this group for 4 years, and he is still a volunteer. He has been a guest lecturer at the Postgraduate Course in Management of Social Economy Organizations at Universidade Católica Portuguesa since 2019.

Between 2012 and 2018, he was on the board of the São Cirilo Community Center, which supports immigrants in Porto, and on the board of the UDIPSS Porto between 2015 and 2018. He is responsible for the institutional relations of Plataforma + Emprego, a project of Porto institutions that work with homeless people, which aims to place them on the job market, and which has already placed more than 120 people on the job market. He coordinates the Voluntary Organizations section of the Porto Planning and Integration Centre for People Experiencing Homelessness (NPISA), which brings together more than 50 organizations that support these people.

You can find out more here.

Portugal with greater ambition: boosting employment for social inclusion! News
National and local government | Collaboration and Partnerships | Article

Portugal with greater ambition: boosting employment for social inclusion!

Having worked for 20 years in the field of homelessness, as a volunteer, in various inclusion projects, with companies, public bodies and organisations that support and try to transform their lives, I know, interact with and recognise an enormous desire to help people experiencing this scourge to walk the path to a life of dignity and full citizenship.

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Porto's Platform + Emprego has already integrated 122 homeless people into the job market News
Poverty | Social Economy Organization | Collaboration and Partnerships | Article

Porto's Platform + Emprego has already integrated 122 homeless people into the job market

Operating since 2013, Porto's Platform + Emprego is reaching its 10th anniversary with many lives transformed and the desire to go even further. What's more, it already has new goals on the horizon, for the benefit of those who need it most. It has replicability potential and the team is available for more information (see below).

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