Susana Magalhães

Susana Magalhães

Coordinator of the Responsible Behaviour in Research Unit (URCR) at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S) at the University of Porto

Susana is the Coordinator of the Responsible Behaviour in Research Unit (URCR) at the Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S) at the University of Porto. She has a PhD in Bioethics from the Portuguese Catholic University and is a researcher in the areas of Narrative Medicine and Research Ethics and Integrity. Assistant Professor at the Fernando Pessoa University.

Member of the Ethics Committee of Centro Hospitalar do Porto and Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar; Member of the Ethics Committee of INESC-TEC; Member of the Founding Group of the Portuguese Network for Scientific Reproducibility; Member of the European Society for Narrative Medicine (EUNAMES); Member of the Board of The Doctor as a Humanist (DASH) Organisation.

Certified trainer for the European VIRT2UE Train the Trainer Programme.

Coordinator of the Study and Reflection Group on Narrative Medicine - GERMEN.

Artificial Intelligence: failing better? News
Opinion | AI

Artificial Intelligence: failing better?

Overwhelmed by what can be done, we move between the real world, subject to failure and mortality, and the virtual world, which tends to be immune to failure and where we can possibly find room for "better versions of ourselves", moving further and further away from the centre of ourselves. Could the ethics of AI focus more on the question of what Good we seek to fulfil through technology and the data that feeds it?

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