From Engineering to Social Entrepreneurship with dogs

From Engineering to Social Entrepreneurship with dogs

In 2015 I finished my Master's degree in Civil Engineering, but I knew from an early age that what I really wanted was to work with dogs, I just didn't know how. I embarked on training in social entrepreneurship that same year, trying to ensure that the time I spent working would result in more than just a salary at the end of the month, seeking to generate value in what I did - for myself and for others.

It always made sense to me, although it's a cliché, to look for a way to contribute to helping - "if we all do our bit, the world will be a better place". The big question was "How?". And here, in my opinion, everyone has to make their own journey of self-knowledge and learning, looking for the place that allows them to choose a job they like, so that they don't have to "work" another day in their life.

I found mine, and I try every day to contribute to the mission of our organisation: DTC Social®, the Dog School that wants to change the lives of dogs and people...

DTC Social® - Doing Things to Connect Dogs & People, is a non-profit organisation, of which I am a member, that was founded in 2010 and since then has been implementing various community impact initiatives using social assistance animals - especially dogs. We recognise the potential of the bond between humans and animals, and based on several years of experience working with dogs and people, we have developed different activities, namely:

- Animal-assisted intervention programmes (therapeutic, educational and/or recreational);

- Consultancy services and specialised training in these areas.

We believe that the multidisciplinary approach we include in our teams (with technicians from areas such as psychology, education and canine training; and even considering the animals themselves) enhances the achievement of results, increases motivation for the active participation of the beneficiaries with whom we propose to work and even manages to break down the stigma that many of our target audiences carry. We bring together specialists from different fields, who bring out the best in dogs and people, helping to create their own lifestyle...

We work in various municipalities in Portugal, in a personalised way and according to the weaknesses diagnosed in the different social ecosystems, under the priority axes of the DTC Social® Action Strategy:

  1. Dealing with Difference and Preventing Isolation
  2. Social Reintegration
  3. Educating for Social Inclusion
  4. Citizenship and Intergenerational Contact
  5. Respectful Communication & Promotion of Human and/or Animal Welfare

We already have multiple projects in place with target groups such as senior citizens, people with disabilities, young people at risk, prisoners, schoolchildren and other vulnerable groups where our work is beneficial, either actively or preventively. One of the most charismatic programmes we have implemented is the Pelos 2 Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative, which we are very proud of and which has been running since 2020: an intervention in a prison context, the process of which brings gains both for the people involved and for the dogs trained during it.

At DTC Social® we develop tailor-made programmes. To do this, we include all the necessary professionals in versatile teams, always adapting to the needs and objectives of each project. We use animals that have been properly selected and trained for the job.

Our work philosophy is based on the unity and complicity of all those who take part in our interventions. We foster self-love and love for others through a relationship of trust. We endeavour to ensure assertiveness and excellence in all our interventions. And our beneficiaries know that even when the intervention cycles come to an end, there are things that remain and that must remain, and in addition to the learning and memories, also the fact that they become part of this great family: the DTC family...

It takes courage to follow your dreams, it takes resilience not to give up when doors close, but it also takes perseverance and believing that it's possible to be able to recognise your place: which fills our hearts with pride and drives us to go that little bit further every day!