Nicole Gerkrath de Azevedo

Nicole Gerkrath de Azevedo

Founder and president of Ajudar Moçambique association

Nicole is the founder and president with executive functions of Associação Ajudar Moçambique, and is also the founder and researcher on the Movam-Movimento Anti Mosquito project, a pilot project in partnership with IHMT Lisboa and CIOB Beira that investigates the effects of environmental repellents in the fight against malaria in communities in the buffer zone of Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique.

Nicole has a degree in Literature from the University of Porto and a master's degree in Human Ecology, Social and Contemporary Problems from the New University of Lisbon.

For the last twenty years she has dedicated her time entirely to the social sector, working for the Gil Foundation, Operação Nariz Vermelho and Espaço T at national level, and with an increasing dedication to projects for girls' education and combating school drop-outs, as well as teaching conservation agriculture techniques to combat food insecurity in rural communities living in the vicinity of protected areas in Mozambique.