We are on the air! Launch editorial

We are on the air! Launch editorial

de-fora-a-fora is on the air!

It was born out of my personal desire to contribute to more knowledge sharing to help speed up the resolution of social problems. It is a national platform that is also available in English, so that we don't limit ourselves to the knowledge we have here, and also share what we have with the world.

What do we expect from you?

That you read and learn from those who write and share videos and podcasts with us. That you write with us, sharing some of what you've learned so far. Simply submit your article proposals - we'll be on the receiving end. that you send me feeback on what you like and dislike in the platform (my email below).

Making sharing grow, on the platform and in the dynamic of events that we intend to develop, is a long-term commitment. Sharing at the service of effective action. We all know that the Portuguese national culture is more prone to individualism than to sharing, but together we are going to be a counterculture.

We are a content platform aimed primarily at actors who are already committed to solving the biggest social challenges: social entrepreneurs, executives of companies committed to social responsibility, directors and executives of non-profit organizations and all their employees who participate in management, local authorities and their teams, and academics who understand the importance of integrating these issues into teaching and research and effectively sharing what they know.

But we are also, and in a very special way, for all young people who want to understand how they can be an active part of this whole world. And for civil society, which wants to be participatory and build good solutions for the planet and humanity.

Oh, and the name? Everyone asks me: why "de-fora-a-fora"? (I tis LOA or Length Overall in English, by the way)

It's a nautical term, meaning the total measurement from one end of the hull to the other. I chose it as a metaphor and as an appeal for us to put all our energy and knowledge into going from one end to the other, from the social problem, which we need to know about, to its solution, consistently and perseveringly. Knowing, of course, that there are no linear paths.

We will certainly cross paths on the de-fora-a-fora!

See you soon,

