Talking about stakeholders and the need to involve them is common in the context of non-profit organisations. In that of some companies too. Practising real stakeholder engagement, in the sense of deep and effective involvement, is challenging but rewarding.
Impact is an economic opportunity. Therefore, considering impact as a decision variable is a must for any organization, regardless of the sector in which it operates.
Corporate (social) responsibility (CSR), classically based on the gradual reduction of negative impacts, is necessary, but not always equal to ecological and societal challenges.
One of the myths surrounding organisational ethics is that people are either ethical or they're not, and that therefore there's not much that can be done about it. Is that so?
The problems associated with ageing are diverse, all part of a complex system in which multiple actors participate in a fragmented way and with varying quality. But do we realise that we will become victims of the system if we don't embrace it in order to change it?
Education is a right for all and is considered one of the best tools for compensating for socio-economic inequalities. This is how the new Edulog study opens, revealing that not only the socio-economic conditions of families determine differences in performance at school.
The European Commission adopted on 31 July the first set of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), under the Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive (CSRD), for large companies and listed companies.
With four years of distance from the last edition, the new Satellite Account reports this time two years, 2019 and 2020. A positive evolution in number of organisations and in weight in GVA and paid employment. And with news, by incorporating an analysis of longevity!
In what is the first policy paper of the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation, the study coordinated by Paulo M. M. Rodrigues focuses on the problem of access to housing and proposes strategies for its resolution.
When an employee discloses that he or she is ill, it is not always clear in the company what this will mean in terms of challenges for both the employee and the company.
Today there are growing expectations that impact assessment will become a widespread practice in social organisations. But why measure impact? To satisfy funders who demand it?