Universities, as centers of knowledge and training, play a crucial role in building a more just and supportive society. An often underestimated dimension of this role is university volunteering, a practice that transcends the boundaries of the classroom and reaches out directly to the communities around them.
Since resources are so scarce for the scale of the objectives to be achieved in many non-profit organizations, the area of human resources is decisive for anyone responsible in this area.
Operating since 2013, Porto's Platform + Emprego is reaching its 10th anniversary with many lives transformed and the desire to go even further. What's more, it already has new goals on the horizon, for the benefit of those who need it most. It has replicability potential and the team is available for more information (see below).
At the 7th conference on the pathology and rehabilitation of buildings, Father Jardim Moreira, a long-time defender of human rights, gave the audience a tough confrontation with reality. He spoke of housing as a right. But forgotten. Here is the second part of the article.
To flourish in the context of an organization implies that it should be built around an ethics of generosity, for which promoting interaction and cooperation between people, among other aspects, is fundamental.
The posting on my LinkedIn of a funny image making fun of the recent fashion - that of the self-proclaimed "specialist in ESG" - provoked a wave of likes, shares and comments that left me happy but perplexed.
At the 7th conference on the pathology and rehabilitation of buildings, Father Jardim Moreira, a long-time defender of human rights, gave the audience a tough confrontation with reality. He spoke of housing as a right. But forgotten.
The benefit of a brand is its promise - what it promises its audiences, its customers. But in non-profit organizations, the promise is the cause for which the organization was born. If the organization is born to take care of the cause, who takes care of its brand? Are we facing the Barber Paradox?